Thursday, July 4, 2013

“Life on Earth” p: 29

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 26 Tammuz 5773 
Photo: Batya David, Israel

Page 29 (chuf tet). At 11th line of the page – (line begins: 'bichlal...') For text, click: Here.

We are looking at how oneg/delight of the soul could be disseminated into individual faculties, even though there is no similarity between these 2 elements.

Like we are saying, the life of a person cannot be judged by 'what he can do or accomplish'. Life has a quality that is far above the level of 'accomplishment'. It has a 'supreme element'. The world, 'as worldly as it is' is actually a Godly creation.

Even though human life on earth is finite, but the life element during those years is immeasurable. It cannot be quantified in worldly terms.

In terms of experience this supreme element is manifest in oneg/delight. So how does this show itself at the level of the faculties? This occurs via a memutzah/intermediary.

The intermediary is the chochmah/wisdom of the soul. It is a 'functional' element.

Chochmah is the tip/head of the functional faculties.

You have an essential soul. This soul produces faculties. Surrounding/makifi faculties – the overall human quality of ratzon/will and oneg/delight. This level is closer to the soul than the levels that devolve from there.

In order that all functional human faculties should be manifest from the soul, there has to be the first stage, that the 'human element per se' is revealed from the soul.

This is koach ha chochmah/wisdom – it is able to process and sense this surrounding/makifi element.

Chochmah is special, although it is a faculty like all other faculties. If can be a receptacle for surrounding faculties and allows us to sense what it is to be a human being! A supreme element. How does it do this? It also allows its own perception to be fed into binah...

This is because it is the head of the revealed faculties. The significance of this is that it is a revealed faculty, but there is nothing that initiates it... it begins on its own. By contrast bina has a structure – induction or deduction etc. In Chochmah there is no logical process. It begins on its own.

Since it begins on its own it has a 'wonderful' combination... it has the infinity quality... 'I don't have a beginning or definition' – at the same time it is the top of the revealed faculties. It brings the infinity element into the revealed faculties.

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