Thursday, July 18, 2013

“Accomplishment Beyond Activity” p: 30

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 11 Menachem

Av 5773

Page 30 (lamed). Above the middle of the page – (line begins: 'shevah...') For text, click: Here.

In everything there is an element of delight – this is what gives it presence and vitality.

In every faculty and activity this delight/oneg is sensed.

This is not experienced with in the faculty itself exclusively, it is the delight of the soul in that particular activity. There is a process that relates the soul's delight to all these faculties.

While the soul itself is beyond any particular faculty.

Take movement. Moving from place to place is only a 'body' activity... at the soul level a person is in all places at the same time. At all times the soul is where it wants to be.

A person lives in the entire universe. He belongs in the entire reality. This is what a human being is. This is why prison is a profound suffering. Even if he has comforts and tennis in prison, he still suffers deeply. This is because essence knows no bounds.

So how does it relate to an activity... and get delight from the faculties...

A soul does not accomplish things through activity... Chochmah/wisdom is likened to sight... you see the panorama in one instant... it is like something accomplished without action... So let's examine this. Compare that instant of sight, to the knowledge that 'you are really here'. 

And even when you close your eyes you are there. It is real. This is accomplishment beyond activity. Oneg/delight and ratzon/will are not regular faculties that operate by means of activity.

You see the whole view in an instant. What kind of faculty is this? Usually activity has to take time. This faculty is so refined and humble that it reflects the soul at a koach/faculty level. This is the meaning of an intermediary. It is reflective of that above it, but at the level of faculty.

It is a koach klali / general faculty – it sees everything and includes all the components. Essence is above the element of components. This is chochmah/wisdom, which can receive the essential revelations of the soul...!

The soul literally perceives itself to be in the entire universe. In the entire reality. When it comes down into chochmah or sight... it gets involved with your vantage point...

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