Sunday, July 28, 2013

“Bright Essence” p: 30-31

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 21 Menachem Av 5773
Photo: Joel in Sweden
Page 30 (lamed). 3 lines from end of the page – (line begins: 'behem...') For text, click: Here.

We are developing a new principle: 'the hidden faculties of the soul'. Usually the faculties are the functional means for expressing something that is higher than function. The way things are in the soul, all that the faculties can accomplished is already realized in the soul due to its own truth, without seeking it out...!

But still we are saying that there are faculties in the soul. They are hidden. They are not functioning. You may say, 'in potential'. But the point is made that these are not just potential. They have their own presence in the soul...!

This is because the souls is an atzmi – it is essential and can thus express itself. For this reason hidden faculties are inherent in the soul...

Think of the sun and its brightness. We see from a functioning worldly level and the ray of the sun coming to illuminate the earth... Chassidut explain that the sun has an effect way superiour to the effect of energy illuminating an object. It creates day! The sun is an essence illumination. A bright essence. Brightness on an essential level.

This is saying, that if something is an essence, it is true unto itself, without any activity. But how? This world is made by Him and He implants this factor into the world...

So essence means, that it knows its reality. For the sun, darkness does not exist. So when the sun appears the sun dissipates automatically, not via any effort. In the presence of the sun there cannot be darkness.

Or think of a king. He rules. But there is also an essential level. This level eliminates everything that is not the king. In the king's presence there is no difference between the simple soldier and the general.

So getting back to the soul... it is the essence of life. And as seen by the above metaphors it can effect the entire environment. All the way down to the practial level. This is the principle of kochot ne-elamim (hidden faculties). There are 2 ways we see – 1. we observe the object, or 2. we cannot, but see the vista.

The revealed faculties are the revelations of the hidden faculties. Do NOT think that your external faculties, function just on the physical level.

Inside the text: 3 lines from the bottom of the page: mind and emotions are different realities at essence. Even at the inner hidden level, beyond fuctionality. At the revealed level they are sequential.

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