Monday, July 15, 2013

Delight in The Garden” p: 29-30 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R'

Photo: Liat Hadar, Israel
Paltiel Monday 8 Menachem Av 5773

Page 29 (chuf tet). 3 lines from end of the page – (line begins: 'oneg eloki...') For text, click: Here.

We have been saying that in all levels of the world, down to the lowest levels of physicality there is delight/oneg.

In the Garden of Eden there are spiritual elements of the 4 levels – inanimate (the ground of the garden), vegitative ('He caused to grow every kind of tree that is pleasant')... etc

we speak about the essential truth and the essential element in everything... the etzem. We describe it in various ways. We say it cannot be defined in time and space. It is one sharp point. We say chochmah/wisdom is like a fleeting spark. This is the most abstract presentation we have in the physical world since it has no vessel/keli.

The spark has brightness and no tangibility. You cannot capture a spark, but even so it has the element of 'time and space'. It has the moment of appearing... before it appears it is not there... so the spark is a presentation of something that is not representable in the physical world. And the spark is a pure representation of the light.

But the minute you speak of representation, you are not speaking of the essential thing. The essential truth does not need to be presented. The first principle is to know that there is a First Being. He does not come to be due to knowledge. A representation comes due to knowledge. So knowing of the First Being, precedes knowledge.

So there is a difference between the essence and the knowledge. The knowledge is engrossing and has a context and is accompanied by experience.

So in the Garden of Eden the delight is infinitely more pure and true than what we have down here in the physical world.

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