Sunday, July 7, 2013

“Essential Lights” p: 29

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 29 Tammuz 5773

Photo: Batya David, Israel
Page 29 (chuf tet). At about 10th line of the page – (line begins: 'mislabesh...') For text, click: Here.

The faculty of chochmah/wisdom that is in the soul/nefesh is able to bridge the gap between the infinite tynug/delight and the specific faculties.

The faculties are active and functional. They work in a cumulative way. For example of if you want to go from one place to another, you have to go step by step...

By contrast in ratzon/will and oneg/delight this process does not exist. So there is no way to translate ratzon/will into kochot/faculties.

Chochmah/wisdom can relate to a procedural accomplishment.

Chochmah/wisdom/חכמה is also able to relate to the infinite. It is the first of the functional faculties. It is the highest of them. This makes it unique. At its upper point it itself does not get things in a procedural way, it receives the point of truth.

Chochmah/wisdom/חכמה is a vessel to receive the revelation of the essential lights of the soul.

Essential lights are above makifim (will and pleasure) and they relate directly to the essence. They show themselves as encompassing lights. The humility of chochmah is needed to detect them.

About no other creature can you say, 'it is there for its own sake and the whole world was made for him'. This is the human being. And in what way is he present in the world? He's into himself – meaning he contains an independent truth.

But he is in the world! In the sense that he has his place and home where he establishes his presence.

So we have these 2 aspects – a) the essence of the human being, relating to a specific part of the world in an encompassing way and this is rooted in the fact that he is b) an essential entity.

The truth of man is expressed in the world and the area he occupies takes on his qualities.

The essence is immeasurable. But the makif/encompassing element has dimensions. The chochmah can relate to the makif having dimensions.

So thus the tynug/delight can come down into the functional faculties...

To be continued...

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