Wednesday, July 17, 2013

“Life Flows Through It” p: 30

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 10 Menachem Av

Photo:  Liat Hadar, Israel

Page 30 (lamed). A third into the page – (line begins: 'bane...') For text, click: Here.

Oneg/delight is really super-worldly... Scientists with a worldly approach negate this principle. They will reduce life to chemical reactions... they have limited their perspective to the tangible elements of the world. They will see everything through this lens.

We say oneg/delight is a direct testimony to a higher element than world. You cannot define oneg, but you can point to it. Sechel/mind is investigative... so when it sees there is oneg/delight, it notes the evidence for it, not it per se. Oneg does not have a process. It is a direct flow.

Think of breathing. It is a direct connect.

Oneg/delight is the Godly presence in the nefesh/soul.

Chochmah/wisdom does not redefine things in its own level, it facilitates the direct flow of tynug/delight.

Every action is a 'living action' no matter how trivial.

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