Thursday, July 11, 2013

“Reality Beyond Presence” p: 29

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 4 Menachem Av

Photo: Batya David, Israel

Page 29 (chuf tet). At about middle of the page – (line begins: 'hakochot...') For text, click: Here.

We are talking about something you can sense. It cannot be presented. Each has to sense it on his own.

We can go together to 'sense what sense it'. The first principle of Godliness is that it does not have a source. Nothing precedes it. This is a presence of non-presence, since a regular presence has something that precedes it.

We seek to know where things come from. The world came from God. And where did God come from? And that's where our 'natural' thinking ends. He is in a different realm from metzius.

So since He doesn't have a presence I can identify with, thus when we say, 'God created it' is that a meaningful statement?

Yes, it is meaningful. If you try to grasp, you are not talking about God at all.

You have a sense of reality that is beyond the physical. Not because you have a sense that you understand.

I don't sense it because I sense it. I sense it because it is reality.

This is where the human beings come in. And this is where the Jew comes in. This is an exclusive realm.

This is the realm into which we are entering now. We have to relate at this level. We all have it, but we have to be awake to it.

Sense that is non-experiential is what makes me and everything real. Not on a logical level, but on the fundamental level.

This is what makes everything else possible.

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