Wednesday, August 22, 2012

“Money on The Table” p: 172-3

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 4 Elul 5772  

Page 172 – 5th line from the end of the page (line starts, 'bishmo...') For text, see picture below.

Having explained the phenomenon of 'name' and the way there are 2 distinct levels – the way it is in union with the individual, and the level of how his name applies to properties that he owns, we can see how the name as it applies to himself is like essence, and the way it applies to other things is like 'hispashtus'.

We are looking at the principle of how hispashtus/spreading of the light has an element of essence, even though it is called a 'reflection of a reflection'.

This is reflected above.

The ten sphirot are described in the Zohar as raza/secrets of His name. And the calling of His name is the revelation/expression of the 10 sphirot in atzilus. As it says in the Zohar, 'You have brought forth 10 tikunim/perfections' and this 'bringing forth' is the sphirot at the level of gilui/revelation.

The 10 sphirot as they are contained in the ohr ein sof also have an element of 'names', but they are the 'essence of the name' the name itself.

So we are talking about how it is above, but we can still have a slight understanding... a sense of what this is referring to... A person has to have a name – this is part of the reality of a person and gives him a real presence. Without the name the person is present only in himself, and not present in the world.

The name is essential, since it establishes his presence in the world. The presence is such that by being present he can affect his reality upon the world. He does this through his 10 sphirot – the essence of his soul is grasped by these 10 and then revealed.

A person brings reality to the world. The reality is that, 'everything has its place – everything needs to be respected'. And who recognizes this – who senses this – who expresses this? The soul of the human being.

The human soul says, every human being is part of Hashem and has a place to be and function. The US Declaration of Independence reflects this truth. They saw it from a earthly perspective, 'that everyone should have a place', we give it expression from above.

Essence contains everything. Not because it was brought there, but because it contains everything.

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