Friday, August 3, 2012

“You Don't Know” p: 171-2

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 15 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 171 – 3 lines from the end of the page (line starts, 'ityadah...') For text, see link top right of the blog. And picture below.

We are back to talking about essence. It has no aspect of being knowable.

The meaning of 'not known' is that in essence it is not in the aspect of a 'reality that is know'.

The aspect of 'knowing' does not apply.

There is nothing to know.

In knowledge there are 2 levels. They are the aspects of direct/positive knowledge and indirect/negative knowledge. Essence is above both of these.

It is not within the aspect of knowledge at all (ayno be bechinat yediah klal).

Thus not much more can be said. It cannot be explained. It cannot be said what it is not. But we can identify the principle of knowing/yediah. And we thereby can know why we say essence is not within the aspect of knowledge.

Knowing means to know something from an outside perspective. We have recognition of the higher light. What is the recognition? This is due to the fact that the soul itself relates to the deepest aspects, since the souls of Israel are rooted in atzmus...

How do we acclimate to new inventions, like a cell phone? Because to hear from the other side of the world is a wonder on a practical level, but on a soul level all is known and the other side of the world is not far away.

So 'knowing' means drawing from a higher level, something that can be identified even at an external level. And indirect knowledge is knowing, without being part of it. Recognition is 'deep down I am part of it' and I can translate this externally. Then there is the essence element that does not exist on an external level. There is nothing to know. It is beyond 'knowing' and 'recognition'.

How does light come from essence? There is no base for it. It comes because essence makes it. There is no imperative.

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