Wednesday, August 15, 2012

“Emptiness and Presence” p: 172

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 27 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 172 – 5th line of the page (line starts, 'be-olomots...') For text, see picture below or see link top right of the blog (needs update).

The Rebbe is explaining that the fact that the worlds are made from G-dliness, does not capture the essence of G-dliness – it only has to do with the ohr/light level and does not say anything definitive about Essence.

In truth there is in Essence many aspects that do not express themselves in revelation at all.

We have no knowledge at all regarding what Essence is unto itself. The inherent 'capabilities' are not known to us.

The definition of light is that it points back to its source.

Light is not a separate product from the sun – it is totally reflective of what sun is. So why is there such a thing as sunlight? Because the sun is a presence. The sun cannot conceal its presence. This is the miracle of creation: that we have a physical item yet it has essential qualities.

Essence creates ohr. This light represents the presence of Essence.

We look at the world per se. And you learn something in contrast to the 'scientific' model, where you just have 'cause and effect', without any essential element. This is all that is seen in the world and it is just a reflection. But we were given the power to discern a G-dly element that is reflected by the world.

Thus in Torah and Souls that are rooted in essence of light, there it is appropriate to say, 'they have everything' and we do not really know the power and merit of torah and souls as they are in their essential state. Their true presence do not fit into the worldly context.

A human being knows not its measure” is said about Torah, and “I don't know my own self” is said about the soul, since it cannot be known.

In the time to come, there will be a revelation of this.

In the time to come we will live in His presence. In the presence of Essence.

This brings us back to the original question of how can there be a tzurah atzmi / essential form. The answer is that there is no form in Essence, but it is the light that cleaves to the essence – and this light is like the essence.

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