AyinBase, Ayin Beis, with R'
Paltiel Wednesday 11 Elul 5772
173 – middle of the page
starts, 'kuli...') For text, see picture below.
we looked at body and soul. We were looking at how the body is a
garment for the soul that allows it to function in a physical world –
nothing more! And actually the functioning is a soul functioning.
reason we can think of the body as primary is because we are so
involved with providing the body with its needs...
yourself with all you physical needs contained in a capsule and shot
off into space. Some say, 'so what's so terrible?!' But it is
beyond terrible – horrific idea. But the reason it has a degree of
accepatbility is because there is such a focus on bodily needs. But
satisfication of these needs is not what the human being stands for.
The human being is a soul reality. The body is there to help the
soul accomplish its mission.
the human being the body and soul are inseparable. The definition of
a human being is that he functions with a soul quality in a physical
world. So they are inseparable.
there is the level of 'letters of thought'. Thought's significance
is it its 'letters'. The soul has its truth and reality – that is
inherent to it. Through thought you can know what it stands for.
The letter/ot/os of thought is the 'coming forth' of the soul. The
real thoughts are, 'what am I experiencing of being a soul in the
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