Thursday, August 2, 2012

“A Call to Go Deeper” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 14 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 171 – 7 lines from the end of the page (line starts, 'she-alyeday -zeh...') For text, see link top right of the blog. And picture below.

We are looking at the meaning of 'getting to know'. The higher light (sovev) is above, but feeds the lower light (memaale).

There is knowing of the existence of the higher light, and then there is a deeper knowing – having a sense of how the higher light is 'wondrous' or 'remote'.

The nature of the higher light, the sovev light is to be muflah/wondrous. This higher light has no vessel or definition. It has no container that provides for its presence. What provides for its presence? Reality itself.

The principle of all knowledge and existence is 'the truth of His presence'. The closer you get to this source, the further you are from world and definition and vessel. Yet we can have a knowledge of this, 'in a way of wonder'. We sense how it represents truth itself, and is beyond functionality.

What is the difference between, 'knowing' and 'recognition'. Recognition is based on prior knowledge or experience. It is relevant here because 'knowing' is for coming to some new knowledge and remains an 'add on' to my primary knowledge. There is a deeper more personal awareness – this is called hakarah/recognition. 'My soul at a higher level than sechel/mind, is at one with that truth' 

For us life is an 'add-on', and life is added to the physical body. Yet at a higher level the soul is the essence of life, meaning that the life of the soul is not separated from the source of life.

Knowing the wonder of the higher light (ohr ein sof)is not possible with 'knowledge', it can only be related to by 'recognition. This is where we ourselves go beyond definitive knowledge and relate with our souls.

21.5 minute of video – inside the text. There is recognition, that is arrived at not by simple deduction, but rather by means of 'lehavin davar mitoch davar' – delving deeply into the first knowledge and discerning what it stands for and where it originates and provides for it... 

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