Sunday, August 5, 2012

“This is How it is, Whether You See it or Not” p: 172

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 17 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 172 – 2 lines from the end of the page (line starts, 'she-aynam...') For text, see link top right of the blog. And picture below.

We are saying that there is a level of essence that is beyond knowing.

There cannot be a spreading out of light without essence.

The difference between essence and hispashtus/spread of light is that the revealed level has an element of discovery. Like the sun rising... things are seen and not seen...

Essence means, 'this is how it is, whether you see it or not' – it brings a sense of reality. Our sense of sight, has an element of essence in it... you have light and see an object. You don't have to touch it and you know it is real.

Essence represents something that has no boundry and thus it cannot be grasped. 11:10 in the video.

In our world things have to 'come to be' – they are creations. The RAMBAM says for there to be an element of chochmah/mind/wisdom you have to go outside this framework. You have to go to the First Being, that does not have to 'come to be'. And when we think of this and we cannot begin to imagine, what kind of presence this is, since it has none of the qualifiers of existence that we relate to, this primary True Presence has what kind of definitive limits? Any limit already speaks of 'coming into being'. Does it have this or doesn't have this? So we submit to the fact that there is not limit...  

What is this? It is present and cannot not be present!?

So too the light of essence, is beyond our grasp.

It could be said that this light is like the essence itself. And everything is in it. It is true, in-and-of-itself, and does not beg the question, 'where did I come from?'

And everything is in it – yesh bo hakol”: you may think of an invention, and it is a tremendous idea. And it is designed in mind and then you have it sketched out, and you can see how real it is... as far as the intellect is concerned you should be satisfied, but you're not. The satisfaction occurs when the invention is fabricated and used successfully. Why is this? The soul of man lives in the reality of the entire world and beyond, 'I have one G-d and many worlds' says the Fredike Rebbe, and so the basis for the invention is that there is perfect unity, and the satisfaction is found when this primary/inner reality results in an actual presence.

In the world, space and time are the primary reality. The culmination and satisfaction is when the invention occupies a place in our world.

And everything is in it / yesh bo hakol – it is an infinity that contains anything...

What is revealed from the essence? Only the element of ohr/light. In this context, light means the statement, 'I'm here'. What is 'I am here'? It is a statement that everything is here.

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