Sunday, August 26, 2012

“Essence and Exposure” p: 173

Lion's Head, Cape Town, South Africa
AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 8 Elul 5772 

Page 173 – 9th line from the top of the page (line starts, 'kuli kenaal...') For text, see picture below.

Presence is preceded by a general arousal (hit-orarut klali). It is not focussed on anything specific. Nevertheless there is an 'all encompassing' recognition.

There are 2 levels. In essence there is everything, not due to existence of everything, but due to essence. With hispashtus ha ohr (spreading of the light) there is everything by means of existence.

The rivalry between holiness and unholiness can be seen in their perspectives of light. Holiness doesn't see darkness as primary.

Light is first identified in hispashtus – the spreading/revelation of the light.

Inside the text - 31st minute of the video.

The reality of the person is that he has to have a name. How so? Because the real person is not what he is, but what G-d makes him. The G-dly reality in him is the real reality. This reality in the person is not 'as he is unto himself' but as he is in the world...

The topic is that the essential light is above the 'general arousal' – hithararut klali.

There is essence behind this light. There is chochmah and binah – chochmah/wisdom is the basis for the binah/knowledge. When you look at the binah per se it is a logical presentaion that seems to have a bottom up structure.

So how does it depend on chochmah – a higher essential reality? Chochmah is like sight. The reality we perceive in sight is different from any thing we can get with out other senses. We get reality without having to touch it. This is like reality itself, without the need for justification. You can never describe the impression of sight – it is reality itself.

The way things are in chochmah/sight – you see things due to them being part of their source, rather than being their own presence. This is a metaphor for something 'cleaving to the essence' (devaykut be-etzem).

When essence chooses to be revealed it presents a light and this light represents the essence.

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