Friday, August 17, 2012

“A Different World” p: 172

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 29 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 172 – 3rd line of the second paragraph of the page (line starts, 'ha-or...') For text, see picture below.

The main point is to explain how in ohr ein sof before the contraction/tzimzum there are 2 levels.

The light before the tzimzum is called, atzilus de klalus.

It is known that atzilus is distinct from what is above it due to the revelation aspect. Prior to that it is contained within its source. In kesser/crown there are no 10 sphirot per se. But atzilut reveals essence in the form of 10 sphirot.

The light has the aspect of being 'betzalmenu' – 'in our form'. This like seeing the person directly, as opposed to seeing his reflection in the mirror. Seeing the person is like seeing the essence in visible form – this is tzelem.

Spreading of the light is like a reflection of a reflection – ha-arah de ha-arah. Ie removed from the essence. So how do we say it is tzura atzmi? Still it is like the essence itself.

Before the world was created, 'there was He and His name alone'. His name corresponds to the ohr ein sof – infinite light.

Light like name is only a reflection of the thing itself. Think of a name... even at the most superficial level, what has a name? Every human being has a name. Animals don't have names. Giving a name to an animal is like having a 'pet rock'.

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