Thursday, August 16, 2012

“Remain Essence, but Become Present” p: 172

Photos: Joel A in Sweden

AyinBase with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 28 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 172 – 2nd line of the second paragraph of the page (line starts, 'ha-or...') For text, see picture below.

In this lowly world the essence is more emphasized than in the higher worlds.

We talk about presence. In the metaphor of the host and the guest, he is there with you.

What about presence vs essence? Essence is beyond presence.

We have talked about the difference between union of different items and unity. The significance of the host, is that his essence hosts you. He is not performing a role. He is hosting you. It comes to a functional level by his presence. If he wants to host you, but is not presence, that is not good enough. The host gives you himself, through his presence.

Essence is into itself. The significance is that you are an essence, a real human being that has his own value, not just to entertain guests, and with this innate value is he hosting you.

Presence is the essence making itself present. It is not just coming out of itself. It remains essence, but becomes present. (18 min 30 seconds into the video)

Essence of the light is beyond our understanding even though it is a presence.

There is no function to being a host. His presence is the function. By being present, he declares you his guest.

Through revelation he gives the essence.

Going inside the text - 35th minute of video. 

A human being consists of 613 parts. When we look at him we see one entity. We know that a human at concetption is nothing, but a drop. And this contains the whole human being. Body and soul and inclinations... This is the meaning of man/adam. He's a point that is the source for 613 different qualities. This is called primal man / adam kadmon. This is the world of briah. In this world there are qualities, even if included in one point. Above that there are no qualities – it is just Elokus...

And atzilus de klalis is the infinite light before the tzimzum. Atzilus is not a creation. It is an emanation. An appearance of what was there before the tzimzum/contraction.

Space is that which provides for things to be. Why do things need provision? The reason is because they are false – they are lies in themselves, so something has to hold them up. The space and earth holds up the house – without that it would be a pile of bricks and dust. Something that is real does not need a space.

Is there a limit to you sechel/mind? No. why? Because sechel is based on truth. Thus it does not need a place to be. It does not take up space.

This is in answer to Naftali's question. His question: We are talking about light. So there must be a place where it is revealed, saying that there was a place before the tzimzum? And the answer is that for some things space is not needed.

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