Thursday, May 23, 2013

“Fundamental Reality” p:22

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 14 Sivan 5773 

Page 22 (chuf bet). Middle of the second paragraph of the page – (line begins: 'hadavar...') For text, click: Here.

We have been looking at chomer and tzurah.

Tzurah/form is a specific aspect or statement that comes from a more pristine or simple level that is called chomer. Usually we think of chomer as lowly – and literally it means material.

We relate to the world via 'discovery'. But we need to understand that this is only half of the story. The human being didn't start from being a vulnerable creature. He was created by a Creator. Behind the human being is a full fledged reality. It is a big mistake to say a human being became 'smart' due to circumstances... The human principle is inherent – given by his Creator and it just needs to be revealed.

So when we see things from this Godly perspective then we understand that thinks are coming out of fundamental reality.

The tzurah/form is drawn forth from the chomer/material.

What brings the revelation of the form out of the material? It is that both of them have a source. And if we relate to the chomer/material per se we can miss the source.

The world and the space of the world does not exist except for the fact that He created it.

Take a table. Made by man. You may say it is a human creation. But not so. 'if God does not build the house it will not stand'. It is the Godly element that gives an entity a real presence. Man does not create anything – he reveals what has been planted in the world – he reveals what is in the material.

The form is only the revelation of the fundamental elements. It is not creating anything. It is based on the simplicity of the material.

Godliness is not even a presence. It is truth itself. And the chomer ha pashut – the fundamental reality is the first revelation of this. This is the revelation of the Creator at the wordly level.

We percieve space as infinite. On the other hand it is a measurable entity. We recognize that no matter how much of a finite count you have it will never be infinite. So how do we perceive it as infinite. This is because we see it as being continually provided. It has no limit.  

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