Thursday, May 30, 2013

“Life In A Body” p:24

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 21 Sivan 5773

Page 23 (chuf dalet). Five lines from the top of the page – (line begins: 'aval...') For text, click: Here.

Tzelem is a form – a form that is exactly the essence/etzem itself.

God said, 'let's make man in Our image' – and this 'image' is Torah.

Torah comes from His chochmah/wisdom.

The root of Torah is chochmah/wisdom. What is so special about chochmah? It says the chochmah of man illuminates his face. And we know the difference between mochin/mind and midot/emotions – and the principle of mind is chochmah/wisdom.

And the difference between mind and emotions... the midot/emotions are only a revelation of a reflection of the person, and that's why emotions are focused on relating to others. But mochin/mind is the essence of the person and hence it can be 'unto itself'.

Both mind and emotions are faculties of the soul.

This means that in both cases there is a functional element.

Life is the essence of the person, but we are not aware of it. Why? All the faculties are functional and are dressed in the body of the person. The eye sees. But we do not say the 'body lives'. This is the presence of the neshamah/soul. Sight, touch etc are body experiences. Life is not a body experience.

The human being is life in a body. The animal is a living body.

Man exists on a different plane. The animal lives in the physical plane. Man is essentially soul.

Thus when we talk of faculties, we are describing how they are part and parcel of the body.

And this applies to all the faculties. Starting with chochmah. And this is where our 'awareness' begins.

Mochin is the first place where you are aware you have a soul. Emotions too, carry this awareness. But there is a difference between them. A person acts in the world, but he is not really in the world. His awareness is above this. It is in the mochin/mind. The mind demands respect, decency, truth...etc

Chochmah is a reflection of the essence.

What is this essence that is reflected? He is beyond world. He is essence, in a body. The human being represents an essence.

The human emotions contain an element of 'this is the right way to behave'. This means, that just as mind represents that a human being is not bound by anything in the world, so too on the emotional level. He may have an inclination towards chesed/kindness, but he is above it. There is an element of mind or independence in the emotions.

Real human self respect cannot be bought or argued about, only acknowledged.

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