Friday, May 3, 2013

“Moment of Unity” p:18

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 23 Iyar 5773

Page 18 (yud zayin). At about 4 lines below the middle of the page – (line begins: 'kuli...') For text, click: Here.

At the giving of the Torah there was a unity between all the tribes of Israel. They had one perspective even though they were different. This was due to the revelation of an aspect of essence. Not the revelation of essence per se, but the affect of it. Thus were opposites gathered together and differences between mind and emotion were resolved.

At the giving of the Torah, God's presence was sensed right here. So why the prohibitions against stealing etc? Because in the king's domain ownership is by His decree.

We have been looking at how opposites unite because we have been examining the inter-inclusion of ratzu/run and shuv/run – two totally opposite tendencies. Ratzu is on the focus on that which is higher, and shuv is bringing it into metziut/actuality. And yet neither one goes to an extreme. They inter-include and follow each other.

Then we had the question of, 'but still what makes it imperative that after shuv there will be a ratzon and after ratzon there will be a shuv'... why not just have one and forget about the other? And this process is life itself. It cannot be inconsistent or chancy.

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