Friday, May 24, 2013

Truth is Reality” p:23 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday

Photo Batya David, Israel
15 Sivan 5773

Page 22 (chuf bet). 4 lines from the top of the page – (line begins: 'ukmoshekatuv...') For text, click: Here.

We are going a step further. We are going beyond the materialistic presentation of reality. We have a soul and a body. We have intellect and emotion; and we have sight and touch. Which one of these is our primary source of information and perspective?

An animal is also alive. But it is a living body. It finds out about the world via the body. It does not deal with the level of purpose or meaning at all. The physical is the basic presence. For the human being it is exactly opposite. His soul and intellect is the primary source of his information and orientation. If he leaves this perception he is being idiotic, seeing just the surface and not the life behind it.

Man knows truth is reality not existence.

Then he can say, 'there is something', because he knows there is truth.

He knows there is a Creator, not due to bumping up against the creation. It is his soul that tells him he is alive, not his body.

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