Thursday, May 23, 2013

“Simple Reality: The Real Thing” p:22 - 23

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 14 Sivan 5773
Prospect Park, The Boat House, Brooklyn, New York
Page 22 (chuf bet). 7 lines from the end of the page – (line begins: 'hayesodot...') For text, click: Here.

We have been discussing chomer/material. We have been going for a true perspective.

From a true perspective all must be viewed as a Godly creation. That is what its true presence is. It is here because he makes it. So too all that develops on the earth is part of that creation.

Thus when we say 'chomer' and we are used to thinking of a piece of clay, without any value, but if we look at it and say, 'oh, this was provided by the Creator to allow for all the limitless forms it can take', then we are looking at it correctly. And whatever we do with it, or make from is merely revealing what He has put into it...!

There is a simple reality. And from it forms are revealed. The tzurah is gilui.

Think of space. We perceive it as infinite. On the other hand, 'how can that be? It is composed from measurable units and anything composed of finite pieces cannot be infinite'.

And yet we perceive it does not end. The infinity is not really based on the perception of space, but rather on our perception of God... His will is infinite... Space is a manifestation of this will.

This is limitless presence.

He Himself is limitless, but beyond presence.

Essence is beyond being described as 'simple' because it is beyond 'presence' and beyond providing for creation. Chomer hapashut (simple reality) by contrast is the basis for all kinds of presences.

Only essence, He that is beyond being an entity can create a Chomer pashut (simple reality).

4 lines from the end of the page.

Think of parchment – it is like the chomer pashut and it is an entity made to reveal letters... it is a real presence, but it is 'simple' in that there is no definition what can be revealed from this parchment/klaf.

The presence of the letters is provided to the letters by the parchment. The letters reveal what the parchment is about.

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