Monday, May 27, 2013

“Revelation by Concealment” p:23

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R'

Paltiel Monday 18 Sivan 5773

Page 23 (chuf gimmel). A few lines above the middle of the page – (line begins: 'u kmo she...') For text, click: Here.

We are talking about letters written on the parchment. We say they are united with it and reveal what the parchment contains. Yet they are not of the essence.

We reveal the letters by covering parts of the parchment with ink... thus the revelation that comes is not a direct revelation from the essence... so the letters seem to be added on to the essence...

Something added on lacks the fundamental nature of the essence. The letters of ink are like something added to the parchment. This is because its revelation comes by the process of concealing the parchment, rather than a direct expression.

But letters that are engraved are different. There is no aspect that conceal the material. They are a revelation of the essence. They are not adding anything to the essence. It is an expression from the essence. This is 'bezalmaynu' – 'in our image'.

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