Tuesday, May 21, 2013

No Substitute” p:22 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 12 Sivan 5773

Page 22 (chuf bet). At the second paragraph of the page – (line begins: 'ulehavin...') For text, click: Here.

Adam/man is not a creature like all other creatures. All creatures are based on worldly parameters. Man represents his Creator in the world. This is to say that man is outside of the world and represents a G-dly presence.

Man is not a substitute for God. World and Godliness are not interchangeable. World is a creation, and man is the presentation of Godliness in the world – this is tzurah/form and dmus/likeness.

In the world all is know by means of its presentation or tzurah. The human being has 10 sphirahs – from chochmah/wisdom on down. And why don't we start higher than that in oneg/pleasure? This is because oneg/pleasure and ratzon/will are not in the world – they are above world. They are not worldly experiences.

Pleasure and will are absolutely constant, and they don't have a specific locale of funciton – they are equally in the foot and in the brain. This is what unites a human being. They are not worldly elements.

The creationist perspective says that what happens in the world, is according to His plan. We do things that are due to a Godly imprint, and have no worldly explanation. 'Life' itself is a Godly factor. The animal represents a living body, the human being has an independent spiritual element – he is entirely different – his primary statement is 'life'. He asks, 'what does life say about this?' Not 'what does body say?'

Man can see world, but from a Godly perspective.

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