Thursday, June 7, 2012

“100%” p: 163-4

AyinBase with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 17 Sivan 5772  

Page 163 – 3 lines from the end of the page (line starts, 'mimeno...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

It is very important to relate to essence. To understand it is not possible. We do not really understand reality. But we must relate to it.

The essence is removed from the 'chayut le-hachayot' – the life force that enlivens. This force has to relate to something that is not living and is able to imbue itself into something that is not living and affect it with 'life'. It gives it life. The body is affected by the phenomenon of life and becomes sensitive. The body gains sensitivity.

The soul imbues life into the body.

The soul in essence cannot relate to something that is not living, but the essential element of life has some connection to essence.

The inanimate also gets G-dly life but does not appreciate it. There is a true element of life that is not the negation of non-life. It recognizes and lives G-dliness.

The concept of 'presence' does not apply to essence. So it is perplexing – how can a presence come from something that is non-presence. This applies both to the creation of light and things... 

Essence lacks nothing. It has an infinite quality. It sees all from its perspective, and thus it brings life.

Thus the light is called a revelation from the essence. This means that the essence, brings the light.

'World' does not have such a thing as essence. Everything has a condition under which it exists – this is the world. Everything is relative, but in reality everything in the world also represents a true G-dly creation. Even things we make... a table for example... is rooted in the higher world. Letters which we treat as a means to communicate, actually, create the world.

Our world is, but a reflection of this reality... and eventually we will reveal the essence in the reflection.

Birds that fly are a G-dly creation. Everything has an essential reality. Thus the essence of light is what He made, though here in the world it gets reduced to functionality.

Sechel/mind is a way to get to know something that you do not know. How? You evaluate in stages. That is the process of sechel. But ultimately after you understand it, then you wonder, 'how come did I not understand this before?' You come to a point of seeing the essence and say, 'Hey, that was always true!' Every sechel/concept has in the background an essential truth.

Binah draws from the essential truth of chochmah.

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