Sunday, June 3, 2012

“Burning for You” p: 163

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 13 Sivan  

Page 163 – 2nd line from end of top paragraph (line starts, 'u'lefi'zeh...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

Ohr/light is not the revelation of the essence, but rather a reflection of it. The common elements of light is that it allows you to come into contact with the object without touch. Like mind is different from emotions -mind is focus on the subject, while emotions are more, 'how I feel about it'.

Why does the 'intangible' exist at all in the world?! The answer is that inherent in the fabric of the creation is an element of the Creator. It was not made to be, 'just a creation'. This is what is represented by life. Life is not tangible. Light, even at the lowest level, shows that there is an element of truth in the world. 

Burning gives light too. Fuel is consumed and becomes null. But nothing can become null so it gives off its basic truth, which is the light. 

Now inside the text (second to last line of top paragraph 163 ): 'He' is hidden and 'His Name' is a revelation from the essence, but not a real revelation of the essence, only a reflection (ha-arah). Even so it is a revelation that is 'from the essence and like (kmo) the essence.

What are be being told? This means to say that this type of revelation could only have come from the essence. At 33 min 15 seconds – the light is from the essence and like the essence. The secret of an essence is that it continues eternally without the need for refueling. The world per se does not provide for an essence. Though it does have some essential elements as seen in the indestructibility of matter/energy. The secret of the essence cannot be revealed.

Though the light does not transform the world, just illuminate it, yet there is a sense of essence and thus one is able to rise up to different levels of reality.

From this we understand, 'in Our image' is man made. It is a reference to the light that is a revelation from the essence.

Light is a full representative of the essence.

But in truth the light is not really qualified to be describes as a revelation from the essence, yet it qualifies to be a essential form / tzurah atzmis. How does revelation and light result from the essence?! Is it not an extraneous occurrence? And essence is beyond revelation and concealment! So how does it give off light or revelation?!?!

We have in the world, the provision of space. The space is neutral. The real provision for the world is different. Real space is domain. A domain is space with an essence behind it. If you expand your home, the new space is automatically part of your domain. You don't have to do anything. This is like the essence providing light or revelation. The element of essence is automatically projected...

essence is not in that category of light and revelation. He does not have a quality and message. It is the secret of what reality is. It does not have any identifiable element.


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