Tuesday, June 5, 2012

“Life Defies Definition” p: 163

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 15 Sivan 5772 

Page 163 – 8th line from of top of second paragraph (line starts, 'ahroch...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are talking about essence. It is a challenge to find words. Essence is nothing to think about! Yet we are asking 'how can light come from essence?' so there is some way we can relate to it...

But 'no thought can grasp Him at all' yet we say (from Zohar as brought in the Tanya), 'He is grasped in the desire/will of the heart'.

If we have no access what is the point of talking. And if you are talking it means you have a connection and an access. What is comprehended in the 'desire of the heart'?

The first priniple of Torah is that 'He made heaven and earth'. It is telling us something about the world and how we can relate to the truth of the world. On the one hand the world is tangible and real, yet on the other hand it is 'totally nothing'. What gives the world the absolute reality? Not the worldly element, but rather something that is beyond world. This different reality gives the world reality. This is the principle of, 'In the beginning He made the heaven and the world'.

The arousal of the heart is a direct reflection of the soul. Life is not a worldly phenomenon. Life is something that cannot be defined. Life is not part and parcel of the definition of world. If we should insists in defining ourselves in worldly parameters we would not be able to relate to our lives and life would be a struggle.  

Kesser – will and pleasure – is the crown and the arousal of the heart is where it is felt. What is the experience of life? In the world all is transient and finite. Life defies these terms. Life is a perfection and absolute reality. He is the source of life and has no source. The world does not begin from itself. It begins from Him. The world starts from a different kind of reality.

This we refer to as essence. It has no parameters. So how can there be light from essence? How can there be a subset? A functional element from absolute reality?

What is the purpose of this question? We are looking to explain the verse, 'in the form (tzelem) does man walk...' And everything has a tzelem/form and this is somehow connected and sourced in essence. What gives the human being the sense of his reality? And the significance of his being and service?

To present a contrast between function and essence; every person has his daily activities and duties. On a superficial level the 'getting up and going to work' is a practical necessity. It seems based on personal, individual necessities. But this cycle itself is based on a fundamental cycle G-d established. He made day and night. The cycle of man's activities is based on this fundamental cycle, of which he might be unaware! 

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