Wednesday, June 13, 2012

“No Limit; No Form” p: 164

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 23 Sivan 5772  

Page 164 – lower quarter of the page (line starts, 'viyeduah...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are looking at 'description'. Positive and negative adjectives. When we talk about soul or sun above the functional level it is still open to description – there is a subject. But regarding Essence both positive and negative descriptions are not applicable.

You can only use the negative adjective when you have a sense of the presence. You say, 'he's no fool' when you have a sense of 'his smarts'. So a positive implication exists. And this is not appropriate with regards to Essence itself.

The only thing that can be said is 'ein sof' – 'infinite – without end'. And the meaning 'limitless' is not intended since that is applicable only in ohr/light/revelation. Ein sof is gematria – ohr/light but this is just a superficial level. Ein sof here means not infinite, but nothing definitive – no adjectives – no revealed presence. Ein sof means impossibility of description.

Each description is a form and limit. Ein sof/Essence is beyond this. This is a negation of positive description; and negation of any negative description/identification.

Two points (21 minutes into the video): if this is a negation of positive description; and negation of any negative description/identification – then what are you talking about?! And secondly, what's so important about this? What's the point?!

And how is this sechel/mind. If you say something there has to be a basis. Even a negative description is based on your sense of the reality.

There's a paradox. Things appear to be real and meaningful. There is such order and focus in the world. And the human being with his unique nature... and, this reality is representing something. It is an expression of the owner (like the furnishings of the home reflect the owner). So where is He? And what kind of entity is He? There's a reality here and I can't put my figure on it...

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