Thursday, June 14, 2012

“You Know Me Now?” p: 165

 AyinBase with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 24 Sivan 5772 

Page 165 – top of the page (line starts, 'ach...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We got into something subtle and deep. Having concluded regarding Essence that there is no commonality at all between essence and revelations we a left with the question of how does light come from essence.

Light comes from Essence since this is what He wants. Not that the essence has to give off light due to its state or nature!

He chooses to want.

It can be said that this refers to the principle that it is within his capability to illuminate or not to illuminate. He is not an 'illuminator' by essence... unlike the sun...

If sun stops giving off light then it is not really sun.

The sun does not have a choice. It was created to illuminate.

So to the soul. Different from the sun, but similar. It does not have to stay in a state of revelation. The revelation is by choice.

Yet there is an element of compulsion.

Revelation of the soul is not a new creation, it is an inherent possibility.

Being that the soul is presence with the definition of 'life', thus the possibility of enlivening is a real presence. The soul is not compelled, but the possibility is a presence and thus it is impossible that there will not be a revelation.

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