Wednesday, June 6, 2012

“Everything Starts Inside” p: 163

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 16 Sivan 5772 

Page 163 – middle of second paragraph (line starts, 'shemot...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

How does revelation come from essence? The soul is devoid of all faculties, and its essence is above all levels of soul.
The essence of the soul is above revelation and names entirely.

Anything we see externally exists first at an essential level. This is an important principle to keep in mind. Contemporary thinking is that faculties are developed externally by means of practice. We are saying everything really starts from an essential state.

Take learning to ride a bicycle. It is not forgotten. This is because it is not an 'add on'. You reveal something that is inherent. Once you learn it feels natural.  

If things were not rooted in the essence, then we would be only consciouse of the action and our learning would be similar to the training of a dog.

The essence of the soul is above faculties. It is important to relate to the essence. And it is difficult to do. We can relate to faculties, since they are elements of awareness and have degrees of functionality. Essence is not part of world. In the world we identify a presence by function. Presence based on truth rather than function is hard for us to grasp...

Chassidus exposes us to the fact that the fundamental truth is what He gives the world, and not the world itself.

So our question is how does light and revelation come from this removed and essential level.

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