Monday, June 18, 2012

“Essence, Light and Line” p: 165

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday 28 Sivan 5772 

Page 165 – above middle of the page (line starts, 'betzalmenu...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are saying the soul has a volitional quality and this is based on Him. This is so we have a demonstration of how things are above.

The light from essence is entirely according to His will.

Essence is described with the term 'truth'. It has no definition.

Objects are present, since there is a G-dly mandate that they should be there. This is the opposide of a 'struggle for survival'.

The soul is here to bring truth to the world. If you ignore the soul you just have world.

The light is not representing the Essence. G-dly light cannot represent Essence. The light is also a creation. Light began when He said, 'let there be light!' This is true of the presence of light even at the highest levels... at the revelation of the kav/line, which is the light to illuminate the world.

Kav is the primal line... a line has many points and indicates a sequence... world per se is a sequential structure – past, present and future; front, side and back... and the light that illuminates world fits with this structure. This is light after the tzimzum. Light above that is not sequential.



  1. The fundamental state of the space in the world is not emptiness, it's G-dlliness. So if you put a cup down on the table, it rests there not because there was nothing else there to resist it but because G-d provided the space for that cup.

  2. Yes, yes, yes. Nothing is outside His domain. Thanks for you comment!
