Tuesday, June 19, 2012

“No Representation” p: 165

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 29 Sivan 5772  

Page 165 – below middle of the page (line starts, 'kulhi...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are talking about essence/atzmus and the light that comes from it. And it is because of His will that light comes. Not due to compulsion.  

He said, 'let there be light!' And that applies all the way up to the highest levels. Up the line/kav. And this line is a prerequisite for 'world'. The world needs a process/structure and this is the kav. It is rooted above the tzimzum/contraction. The all encompassing light is concealed and a line is revealed.

Inside the text 4.5min of video: the light from before the tzimtzum is not like a presence of light. There is no presence in essence except for essence. By means of tzimzum the light becomes 'something' – becomes light. The light before tzimzum is still light (though undefined) and the tzimzum affects this, and not essence.

The fact that there can be a revelation from the essence is due to His will/choice. It is not a compulsion of the essence. 

The principle is that the light of the kav/line, that is for the creation of world, is actually created by means of the tzimzum. Before that there was light, but it had no relation to worlds. This original light seems unified with essence yet it too is called 'glui/revelation' and was made by means of ratzon – His will.

In essence it is impossible to say that tzimtzum/contraction has any action/relation. Essence is not affected by anything and cannot possibly be retracted – only the light can be restricted.

So if there is revelation from essence, (and note that it is not an imperative for essence to reveal anything), it is because it is by His will (beratzon). Light is only due His will that there be a revelation of light.

When you have a thought in mind it is not yet a 'stand-alone' item. Because of the source you have the thought. Then you take the concept and metzumzem /contract the concept – you reduce the brightness and find the element of metziut/somethingness. Now it can stand on the basis of logic – 'it makes sense in the world'.

When it comes to Essence, contraction cannot occur. The light of essence cannot be contracted. This light of essence is above the tzimzum and kav.

Gilui/revelation is due to His will, as has been said before. It is His will that there should be a revelation of light. Thus this revelation cannot be described as revelation from the essence – it is a created light.

So in the soul, which also reveals by choice, it is a revelation from the essence. Representing the essence. The soul is life and it enlivens.

Above, this kind of relationship does not exist.

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