Sunday, June 10, 2012

“Everything Illuminated” p: 164

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 20 Sivan 5772  

Page 164 – about a third from the top of the page (line starts, 'ohr lehu-ir...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We have been looking at how light comes from essence, and we have been looking at related cases.

But the examples of the sun and the soul are cases where they each have a definitive presence. The essence of the soul is not dressed in the body – it would be too much for it – it would cease to be a body. Actually, there is a constant sense in the body, that there is an enlivening force, the soul, and the body remains essentially lifeless.

Essence is not a worldly phenomenon. He made it. We don't understand it, but we recognize it.

Nevertheless, the soul does have a definition. It is life and we can see how life come from it... 

The reflection of the soul comes automatically from it, to enliven the body. This functional element expresses itself in a way that the body can be affected.

Inside the text: a question is addressed. If this is essence, there is no parallel between it and the ha-arah /reflection. You can even have a reflection of the soul that devolves till it is not a true reflection.

When light comes it does not have to struggle with darkness. There is 100% efficiency. Nothing is lost. For the light darkness does not exist. There is no resistence.

The sun rules the day. The light creates day. It overcomes the darkness. The reflection / functional light of the sun has the feature of the essence in this regard. This is to point out the the metaphor of the sun or soul that we have been using, because above, the matter is not like this at all. There is no applications of, 'the reflection comes out in a certain way', to the Essence above.

The essence is separate and remote from everything that comes out in revelation, and there is no relevance to adjectives like 'essence of life' and 'illuminator'. There is no subject.

The fact that we say about Him, 'He lives, but not with the force of life' etc is not referring to Him – atzmus, but rather to the surrounding light which is an element of revelation...   

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