Sunday, June 17, 2012

“Live It” p: 165

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 27 Sivan 5772 

Page 165 – middle of the page (line starts, 'metziut...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are saying the arousal of the heart is key, but it is easy to be oblivious or to reject it and say, 'this is not really knowledge. This is not real'. The work is to be aware and not reject it. That avoda/work consists of one principle: the tendency is to say, 'I rely only on myself and my testing and my research' – this is yeshus/rah and the world calls it knowledge. To recognize that the real reality is something beyond what I experience, and I am sourced in that reality... requires humility... and this is the work... This is the wise man saying, 'I choose the king', when from a practical level it makes no sense, but for the wise/humble man he sees this is the reality...

This is the principle. He provides the truth. And without His truth, there is just convention, not reality.

Inside the text (11th min of video): the sun is compelled to give light because the sun is a luminary at essence. The nefesh/soul is life at essence, but there is an element that is is by choice. We don't say the soul, 'has to give life'. When the soul gives life it is volitional. It doesn't have to be this way. There is an element of hechrech/compulsion. The soul is life. And it automatically enlivens. 

From the soul, it does not have to be thus (30th minute). The soul is a living thing and thus the possibility of giving light and life is there at the level of presence. It takes no action. Life comes with its presence. So this shows that the revelation is by compulsion.

Darkness is a presence allowing for light. Lifelessness is not a presence. Thus the presence of life is an essential element. Not living is not a presence. Is not death the opposite of life? No the body disintegrates and the soul goes away... Darkness by contrast is a platform that invites light. Thus we have no means to identify life by using a contrast. 

Truth does not depend an any accommodations.

A car has an engine that powers the wheels. The wheels turn and the car moves. Thus a car is a physical machine that spins its wheels and as result can move. And there are people who said, 'now lets have the car race around a track'. But then we go to the G-dly reality of the car. It can take a person from one place to another. Quickly and safely. This is the real definition of a car.

And this possibility of moving was not realized by having a car. A human perceives being everywhere in the world and the car provides for this capability. Man sees the whole world as his platform. 'In truth it is mine!' he says. It is a perception on the side of G-dly truth that He gave the whole world to the human being. His physical limits do not diminish that truth at all.

We are made to see the earth and the sky. We see beyond measurable existence. 

And that is what we are saying, that the soul is not compelled is a wonder... it is due to truth. And it is only due to the fact that G-d said, 'let's make man in Our image'. Man was made by direct Divine action, representing not earthly presence, but rather, G-dly presence. He does not have to have a logical structure. Evolutionary theory has no place for the human being. They have a narrow definition and man is an anomaly.

The soul allows us to have a handle on the way things are above.

The soul is life, and gives life and yet it is by choice. It does not fit in the natural scheme of things, but we live it... the reason we can even conceptualize the topic of essence and being free from any expression and any expression being completely volitional is because that is what our nefesh/soul is...

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