Sunday, June 24, 2012

“Original” p: 166

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 4 Tammuz 5772 

Page 166 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'Tzalmo...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We have been looking at Adam Kadmon – Primal Man. This term contains a contradiction. Man is a creation and on the other hand primal implies always existing!

The Rebbe says there are many levels called Adam – namely as Adam is found in each world. The lower man is in the form of the man of the world above his.
Adam of briah is called Ak – Adam Kadmon.

In a person there are 2 levels – 1. faculties of the soul – kochot hanefesh and 2. the garments of the soul – levushei ha nefesh – thought, speech and deed are more external. This is the means by which the soul becomse presentable to the outside. To be presentable it has to be in a vessel that is common to both 'inside' and 'outside'.

Relative to thought, speech and deed, sechel/mind and midot/emotions are intangible. In thought, speech and deed there is already a form – this form is called Adam. Adam is structured by the process of will and pleasure being reduced to the levels of structure and actualization.

You cannot build a table form the sense of the 'royal quality' of the human being (though this is where the table is sourced), it has to be reduced to a practical level.

Thought is where the start of this structure is seen. This is where the form is first identified.  

Adam kadmon is call the original thought (machshavah hakdumah). This is because, before it there was no aspect of the form of man. Hence it is original. Adam Kadmon is the first form/geshtalt that came from the ohr ein sof hapashut – the simple infinite light.

'My thoughts are not like yours', says G-d. Meaning that for Him the thought to accomplish is already the accomplishment itself.

He precedes all originals.
He had the thought to create. And this is a statement of Adam. Man is an arrangement of form and order. Thus this man was in the tzelem Elokim – G-dly form who had that thought.

The man below is a created entity from nothing. Nothing preceded him. He is not a further development of a previous version. He has the form of Elokim/Him who created/birthed him. Man is not part of the world. He is part of G-d in the world. What is he. He is a G-dly presence that He made.

When Man Decided to Invent - Poem by Yitzchak Bloom

When man decided to invent
A way by which to get around
The wheel became the way he went
About what it was that he found.

Nobody thought of it before
But once it came into his mind
In thinking he came up with more
Than anybody else could find

For when he looked into his soul
He knew there had to be a way
For him to get around and roll
And so the wheel was here to stay.

He showed it to his fellow man
And everyone would soon see how
The world on wheels much smoother ran.
The whole world runs on wheels by now.

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