Friday, June 15, 2012

“Let There be Light” p: 165

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 25 Sivan 5772 

Page 165 – a third into the page (line starts, 'metziut...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are saying the soul is not compelled to reveal itself. This is a wonder and a G-dly element that is not limited to 'having to show itself'. And this is only because G-d said, 'let us make man in our form'. And by seeing man and his status the world will have a means to know how things are above...

Above is the true possibility and hence there can be concealment or revelation.

7 min into the video. So the light produced from essence is not in the category of being called, 'revelation of the essence', since the revelation is totally volitional.

The essence does not compel and bring forth the revelation, even though the revelation comes from it. That is to say it does not bring the revelation due to what it is, but because of what is chooses to do.

Light is a creation. He said, 'let there be light'. It is not reflective of the essence, since it is a creation. That is true even in the highest level of the light. Minute 16 of video.

The way light is contained in essence, is not in a state of light. It becomes light by means of the tzimzum. This makes it into a 'presence of light'.

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