Friday, June 22, 2012

“Content and Presentation” p: 166

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 2 Tammuz 5772 

Page 166 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'Tzalmo...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We have discussed that there is a tzelem/form, which is the presenting of the principle of adam/man. We have the man above – man of atzilus -adam ha-elyon, that comes down to different levels.

Thought/machshavah, means that there are 2 elements – the thought itself and the content of the thought.

Thought is a reduction from the light/concept itself. So too a lower world is a reduction of what was present in a higher world. Atzilus and adam ha-elyon is above world – part of G-dliness. Yet it is call a world. This is higher than briah (which corresponds to thought). In what way is atzilus a world – with the 2 aspects of form and content? Soul/neshamah is beyond this – no separation between content and presentation. Atzilus does have an element of separation – ohrot/ights and keilim/vessels.

Keili/vessel is what gives the light a presence. It is not just pure truth. It is a presentation. So atzilus is a world. 10 lights and 10 vessels and thus it can be called asiya of olam de klalus.

Above in akudim all content is in a single vessel. It is also part of world, but a higher world. On the level of yetzirah because there is not a presence of every detail.

The Rebbe is making the point that, that which ends up in the world of asiya/action is a replica of that which is defined in the level of dibur/speech.

Keduma means pristine. Not preceded by a previous thought. Machshavha hakduma is the first thought. There was no tzelem/form preceding it. From where is its form? Thought represents the neshamah and is initial.

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