Monday, June 11, 2012

“Presence and Absence Equally” p: 164

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday 21 Sivan 5772 

Page 164 – about middle of the page (line starts, 've einum...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are pushing for some kind of understanding of light coming from essence.

We have discounted the example of light from the sun or life from the soul, since in Essence there is no definitive content or adjective.

And the fact that we say, 'He lives, but not with life (the functioning element)' is regarding the light that 'surrounds the world' (sovev kol almin).

Any kind of adjective is inapplicable regarding Essence.

Even a negative type of description is not applicable.

Similar when we use, 'light' and other descriptive terms, we mean that there is light, and not the absence of light. But not to say light is an accurate description...

In essence the negation of the opposite, is not useful. Why not? You're not attributing an identity. This is because it is still an application of a descriptive quality.


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