Wednesday, June 20, 2012

“Presenting Reality” p: 165

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 30 Sivan 5772  

Page 165 – end of 3rd line of top paragraph of the page (line starts, 'mipnay...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The fact that the soul reveals in a voluntary manner is an additional quality given to it from above. Essence itself is even less compelled to reveal and what it reveals is not 'who He is'.

The revelation from essence is not representative of it.

Light seems to be the total definition of creation. In our orientation the world is not light – it has weight, mass and dimensions. Yet we say light makes the world. How does this correlate? 

The experience we have in observing the world is a paradox. On the one hand it stands independently. Light spreads. Objects are contained – they stand and exist. So why is the world ohr/light? You may think objects should interact only by contact. This is physically, 'knowing of its existence' and this is what the secular world calls 'knowledge' – 'cause and effect'. But we use our intelligence to be aware of another level. With our eyes we observe a reality without physical contact – more compelling than by touch...

Sight, this intangible relationship gives a sense of reality – there is a compelling element to the world – the table says, 'don't ignore me, I'm real, and while you ignore me you know that I'm here, 'cos I'm real'. What is this phenomenon? (15 min of video). It is providing something beyond the physical. It says the physical presence is not limited to its own presence. There is a Greater Truth that is presenting this reality. 

The whole experience of world is light not metziut/physically. It comes from the essence. The world is being shown to us. The reality of existence is light from Essence.

Last paragraph of the page 165 20 min 21 sec of video: Though the light from Essence is volitional and a new creation, yet still, it is called an essential form (tzurah atzmis). This sounds like a form that represents essence, which cannot be represented!

This essential form is primal and not preceded by any other form. It is call essential. It is the first form from the essence and has the power of the essence. It is novel and volitional. It is primal and called essential. The point is that though it is not on the level of Essence, it contains the power of the essence.

This can be understood by looking at Adam Kadmon – Primal Man. Kadmon is indicating eternal. Adam Kadmon is a combination of 2 opposite principles. The term Adam/Man points to an innovation – a new creation like all other creatures that did not exist before their creation.... to be continued tonight...!

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