Friday, June 1, 2012

“Real Light” p: 163

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 11 Sivan 5772  

Page 163 – 2nd line from end of top paragraph (line starts, 'u'lefi'zeh...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

Ohr/light is not the revelation of the essence, but rather a reflection of it. So the light does, in a certain sense, bring the essence to revelation, but only to the extent that the essence has an effect on the outside – a functional aspect.

Even though the light is only a 'reflection' of the essence, nevertheless either way, the light is revelation that comes from the essence, and is like the essence.

Light, though only a reflection of the essence, is from the essence. Only essence can provide this kind of revelation. The light is representative of its source.

The essential principle of light. A blind person lacks fundamental sense of reality in the world. He can't get it from touch. So too the light that is limited to illuminating the objects doesn't bring a sense of reality. Reality means you see it not by virtue of its effect upon you but by virtue of its existence.

The original light enabled Adam to see 'from one end of the world to the other'. It was not the light that deflects off objects. Objects provided no obstruction! We are talking about a different effect. We are talking about a light that does not have a source, but is present.

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