Thursday, June 28, 2012

“Soul Example” p: 167

Soul Example” p: 167 AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 8  Tammuz 5772 

Page 167 – 5th line from the top of the page (line starts, 'ubevadie...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are saying that the human being below with his soul is a mashal/metaphor through which we can understand the adam kadmon / primal man. How? Because, man below is a creation in a worldly parameter, yet he is described as being betzelem elokim / G-dly form – tzelem, means 'the very same thing', but on a lower level.

So too, in a much more subtle manner, Adam Kadmon / Primal Man (or First Thought), who preceded creation, [and is called Primal (even though he is a creation) because he came by virtue of the first thought and thus has an element of Kadmon in him, and is a result of His will] is betzelem, ie in the form of the One who made him.

Surely, these two comparisons are not equal. There is a lack of correlation. This is because in the soul of man below is actually brought down an element of Adam Ha-elyon. Even though it is a soul in a body with worldly parameters, there is a core element that defies worldliness and recognizes G-dliness directly. Real knowledge is based on this truth. This is how the soul is made.

Even though the soul is in a body with worldly parameters, there is a core element that defies worldliness and recognizes G-dliness directly
Egel is also related to igul, circle. Og is the force that opposes the Great Circle of light that preceded the contraction before creation.
Og is related to egel, “a calf.” We begin with the red heifer, to atone for the Golden Calf and end with victory over Og, the giant “calf.”
The capital of Sichon was called Cheshbon, “mathematics.” We overcome the power of Sichon by kosher mathematics.

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