Tuesday, July 17, 2012

“Back and Forth” p: 170

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 27 Tammuz 5772 

Page 170 – lower quarter of the top paragraph of the page (line starts, 'ubah bechinas...') For text, see link top right of the blog.

The Rebbe is presenting to us an explanation of how the mashpiah/mentor guides his student.

Even after the mashpiah conceals his own knowledge, there remains a 'practical' element that can be presented.

After the master removes the light of the sechel, he 'steps down' and looks at the topic as if he has never understood it. Yet he retains a 'nekudah klalit' – a general point that is hidden... And this point is what limits the mentorship... he joins the student in 're-examining' the topic... a new structure and presentation is freshly created from the 'nekudah klalit' – general point.  

In order to facilitate revelation of real light, the point needs to be developed. The details need to be recognized within himself as the mentor decides what to reveal to the student... he develops the full topic again... and that occurs when the light that he had concealed, he re-exposes from a new angle. The light now illuminates the point. Before it was 'pure light' that was not suitable for the student, but now he has an illuminated point for the mentee.

The master perceives the full light, except that it is like light that comes past an obstacle... due to to the limitations the 'point/perspective' is placing on the light...

The master explains the external reality by connecting it back to the light of inner reality. Now the soul element can be seen within the particular external reality.

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