Friday, July 27, 2012

“Levels in Light” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 8 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 171 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'shenimshach...') For text, see picture below or see link top right of the blog (needs update).

We are saying that we come in contact with the light that is beyond worlds through the recognition and understanding of the light that is present in worlds. Now G-dliness at any level cannot be understood. Even a very fine touch cannot be comprehended. But as a result of the light that is in the world we understand that if there is such a light, there has to be the reality from which it is drawn.

This is like seeing a reflection of a human being and knowing that there is the person himself.

When you see the person in the mirror, you see a perfect replica. How is it created? Each aspect of the person is reflected individually. Like a painter, composes a view or replication by many individual brush strokes.

On the other hand the person himself is emanating from his essence as one reality. It is a reflection of his essence. Here it is not a composite – it is one whole reality, encompassing every detail of the person, by means of possessing the whole, not the details.

There is no vessel that defines, 'what is a human being' and that's what you get when you see the person directly.

When you see a person you see appearance, but you see immediately he has internal qualities and you know there is a real essence behind the appearance. In the mirror you just see the form. A picture is even less than the image in the mirror.

Essence does not consist of multiple points.

But understanding the light within world, and the G-dliness element of everything that is found in the world then one comes in contact with the light that precedes it. The essence itself you cannot come in contact with.

One can ask, 'who is saying essence should be dressed in vessels, we're talking about the light?!'

the main difference between atzmus ohr ein sof and the ha-arah, is that essence is true, in-and-of itself coming from no place. Something of this level has no commonality with anything outside itself. It does not relate to things outside.

The significance of commonality is that the objects in the relationship are composites. Essence is not a composite. Even in sechel you have points that cannot be described.

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