Sunday, July 1, 2012

“Living Heart, Living Thoughts” p: 167

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 11 Tammuz 5772  

Page 167 – at 1st line the 2nd paragraph of the page (line starts, 'vehadugmah...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The last thing we said was that ohr ein sof from essence, comes as a volitional creation, yet it is a tzurah atzmis – representing Essence.

Adam = man - is one who acts on the basis of truth, not needs. The first level of man is called adam kadmon – and we are giving him an element of kadmon – perfection. He is the first result of revelation in the form of adam/man.

If we go to a higher level the word kadmon is not applicable – ohr ein sof.

We say there is no such thing as infinity in a worldly element. When a poor man is travelling, the village provides his needs, and when he leaves, they make sure he has bread in his sack even if he will reach the next town before the time for the next meal. This is because having one in the bag is different from traveling with nothing. But what he has is limited. How does this small quantity assuage his concern? It is not the quantity that provides for him, it is the fact that the town he is leaving had concerns for him beyond the borders of their town.

You cannot carry all your supplies that are needed, but there is an unlimited resource that you draw from – this gives a person a real sense of well-being. Your well-being is not based on your accumulated wealth, but rather on the sense of 'there is more where this came from'.

Thought represents the one who is thinking. Speech is a structure that can be represented externally. Thought remains internal. The structure of thought is not, 'how do I make sense of what I think' rather 'what am I thinking about' – the way I think is the way the thought is structured – linked to the soul – betzelem elokim. You think this way, because of who you are, you talk a certain way to be understood. Adam Kadmon is from the original thought.

2 sages might be expressing the same thought, yet their expressions differ. Why? The souls are rooted above. So they might have full agreement, but they will express based on the thoughts which are influenced by the place of their soul root...

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