Wednesday, July 11, 2012

“Nothing But You” p: 169

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 21 Tammuz 5772 

Page 169 – about a quarter from the end of the page (line starts, 'dehabitul...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are talking about chochmah/wisdom and particularly its devekus – cleaving to its source. We also looked at the verse and the difference between, 'there is none like you' and 'there is no other'. This is to describe the sense that prevails in each level of reality (as opposed to the truth from the perspective of the Creator).

This kind of bitul/self nullification (losing a sense of presence) of chochmah/wisdom (something that exists), is a sense in that it is nothing. The cleaving of wisdom is such that he does not recognize his own existence, but rather that of the source.

It cleaves to The Essence. This is different to the cleaving of student to master, since the master also acquired the knowledge. Essence is in a totally different category – there is nothing there to be measured – nothing is acquired. The wisdom senses how the essence is the true presence.

This all means that you can have a created being – a man – that senses a truth way beyond his own presence – a truth that nullifies his own presence. Through his cleaving man's existence is also imbued with an aspect of his Maker – kadmonius. 

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