Tuesday, July 31, 2012

“Real Perception of Reality” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 12 MenachemAv 5772  

Page 171 – lower quarter of the page (line starts, 'shenimshach...') For text, see link top right of the blog. And picture below.

The surrounding light cannot be grasped by sechel/mind. A prerequisite for grasp is defining and finding the edges. Surrounding light is infinite and cannot be grasped. But we can have an idea of the 'supremacy aspect' of the light. And this is a very significant knowledge.

And even when there is a reduction of life force, down to a focused movement of the hand, then still one is cognizant of the overall encompassing light and energy from which it is contracted. A real perception of reality is provided. When we see a hand moving, we see intent and a human being. This is what we comprehend.

The essence cannot be dressed in vessels. But the surrounding light can. And the reflection of the essence, does come to the level of vessels. We see the hand and know that it does not function independently. It points to the whole.

We just see the vessel, since it usurps the situation, but it is the light that is in the vessel. Not just the force that is moving the hand, but rather the will that moves the hand – without the will, nothing can occur.

The essence cannot be dressed in vessels. But the surrounding light can. And the reflection of the essence, does come to the level of vessels. We see the hand and know that it does not function independently. It points to the whole.

We just see the vessel, since it usurps the situation, but it is the light that is in the vessel. Not just the force that is moving the hand, but rather the will that moves the hand – without the will, nothing can occur.

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