AyinBase with R' Paltiel
Friday 15 Tammuz 5772
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are delving into the definition and nature of ohr/light. Though it
is a presence and a real creation with a worldly definition,
nevertheless it has very fine and spiritual qualities. It remains
connected to its source and rises to its source. This is also seen
in the element of fire.
fire and light do not really mix with the other elements. They are
so fine they do not really have a tangible presence that you can
metaphor for the G-dliness of atzilus is fire. 'Your G-d is a
consuming fire!' says the verse. This is not to say destructive, but
continually rising. Ohr/light is even less of a presence, and united
with its source...
is similar to 'the light of day'. It relates to the darkness of the
world, but while you see the light you recognize its true quality is
its connection to its source.
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