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The Twins from France |
AyinBase with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 22
Tammuz 5772
170 – at the top of the page
starts, 'ku...') For text, see link top right of the blog.
are talking about principle of cleaving. By means of this cleaving
to its source there can be a created entity that is unified with its
source. There can be a recognition of essence – 'the real thing'
– and then there is no other presence.
message is not a depressing, 'you're nothing', but rather the
uplifting message of there is the 'real thing' (yesh ha-emiti) in
everything! This is like when the host is at the table everything is
there. The meal has infinite more importance than just being a meal
when he is there with you.
does not negate anything. On the contrary it provides for
everything. It provides essential reality not quality. (ohr ein sof
provides qualities) Knowing that the world is a G-dly creation, does
not merely subjugate the world to Him, but rather provided a totally
different message, and the entire presence of the world changes. It
assumes a totally different value and message. The world becomes the
garments of the King. And when you embrace the garments, you have
Him within them.
soldier can perform super-human tasks on the front-line due to his
connection to the king.
the light is contracted then then the re-introduction of the light is
by means of the point of the trace. As a result of this process,
the light come in a manner of a defined faculty. This is the
ability to restrain and to formulate a particular activity for a
limited function. The limiting of the faculty of movement to act in
a certain limited manner, comes from a level much higher than the
faculty of movement itself. It comes from the level of will and
being a human being.
use the analogy, it means that the will/ratzon is also restrained,
even though it represents the whole person, but still it is a
reshima/trace – just the functional element. It can limit the
faculty, because it is superior to it. It represents the real thing.
This is the power of limit within the ein sof. It is so to speak on
par with the faculty of infinity. And the essence is superior to
the elements of limit and infinity.
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