Tuesday, July 10, 2012

“Nothing Compares to You” p: 169

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 20 Tammuz 5772 

Page 169 – below the middle of the page (line starts, 'kuli...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are saying two opposite things about chochmah/wisdom – on the one hand it comes forward as a created 'something' on the other hand it retains a ayin/nothing quality. You don't touch it with you hands and know it is there. Thus the knowledge in chochmah is absolute, since it knows things not by means of their boundaries, but by means of their truth.

How does it have this quality? This is due to its cleaving to its source. There are 2 ways of relating. One is I want to hold onto something in my own orientation. And the second is I want to get to the truth of that thing in its own place. This second perspective is unique to chochmah. All the other faculties tends to bring things down to its own perspective. This is like sight relating to an object in its own place.

He will be sensed and the real thing and all else will be considered as nothing.

Chochmah knows it and is able to transmit it back to binah/knowledge. Chochmah relates to that which cannot be translated into vessels/definitions. To Him Himself, to reality itself.

'None compares to You in this world, and there is none but You in the world to come' – meaning it is not sensed in this world how there is none but Him. But in this world it can be sensed how none compares to Him.

In this world there is greater degree of separation and individuation – thus He is hidden. In the world to come by contrast, while there will still be definition and vessels, but the ohr/light will be revealed. The true message of things will be seen. And this is why it will be sensed, 'there is none, but You.'

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