AyinBase with
R' Paltiel Wednesday 6 MenachemAv 5772
171 – at middle of the page
starts, 'al yeday ztimzum...') For text, see picture below or see
link top right of the blog (needs update).
initial light presented by atzmus/essence to represent it, cannot be
comprehended at all. Comprehension of G-dliness is only relevant in
the area of the functional expression level.
the comprehension varies. Our usual level of knowledge is based on
comparison. Like, 'what is the difference between a table and a
bench?' This sounds simplistic, but it is the basis of all the
knowledge that is of the world. A presence is known by its effect.
Surely there is a deeper level, but that is a G-dly element.
is also a higher level of knowing G-dliness directly, not by
contrast. But our starting point is a worldly outlook. In the
human form, the difference between the brain and the heel is their
sensitivity, though they are both physical.
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