Wednesday, July 25, 2012

“Perfect Pitch; Straight to the Truth” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 6 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 171 – at middle of the page (line starts, 'al yeday ztimzum...') For text, see picture below or see link top right of the blog (needs update).

The initial light presented by atzmus/essence to represent it, cannot be comprehended at all. Comprehension of G-dliness is only relevant in the area of the functional expression level.

And the comprehension varies. Our usual level of knowledge is based on comparison. Like, 'what is the difference between a table and a bench?' This sounds simplistic, but it is the basis of all the knowledge that is of the world. A presence is known by its effect. Surely there is a deeper level, but that is a G-dly element.

There is also a higher level of knowing G-dliness directly, not by contrast. But our starting point is a worldly outlook. In the human form, the difference between the brain and the heel is their sensitivity, though they are both physical.

A mehus is hard to define in our world. In music there are notes. Usually they too are known in contrast to each other. But then there are people with 'perfect pitch' that can directly identify a note, not in contrast to others. This is like mehus – the thing itself – not in contrast to other things.

All the differences experienced in the world, relate to memale kol almin – His G-dliness being dressed into a vessel and an effect or functional element. The souls in the Garden of Eden sense Him directly. We too have a soul, but it is operating through the body and thus we don't fly out of the body, but work within this context.

This is like faith/emunah, 'I know it because it is true, rather than based on proofs and logic'. Faith is like the mehus of all knowledge. It precedes wisdom/chochmah, 'I know it because of the truth of my soul' and this takes a high level of purity. It is not real knowledge in the common sense of the word, 'it is who I am'.

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