Wednesday, July 4, 2012

“Earth, Wind, and Fire” p: 168

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednessday 14 Tammuz 5772 

Page 168 – 5 lines from end of 2nd paragraph of the page (line starts, 'koach ha-etzem...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The ohr/light comes from essence. How? We can think about it by looking at how there is a first thought above. Down here below, light, though it is a creation made by the statement, 'let there be light', yet it is distinct due to its refinement and spirituality, in contrast to other creations.

The element of fire and its basis, in contrast to the other foundational elements/qualities (earth, wind, and water), and is so intangible, it does not mix with the others. Just as the spiritual cannot mix with the earthly, (though we do have the soul in the body – this is due to a power beyond them, 'He does wonders'), so too the element of fire, does not mix with the others... it continually rises upward striving to become reunited with its source.

The reason for this rising and cleaving to its source is due to the fact that it always remains related to its source and feels its source. 

For this reason, this nature is present exclusively in light (fire).

This is known in the principle of 'light and vessels' – the light tends to rise and the vessels to descend.

The principle of 'light and vessels' – the presentation and the logic and the compelling evidence is the 'vessel'. The light/ohr is the essential truth of it.

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